London Underground playing cards, originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey.
In my ongoing quest to build healthy activity into my life, I’m embarking on the Lifehacker Workout Challenge.
The challenge is just to exercise at least 5 times a week for a month. Any workout will do, but the suggested workouts are so adorably simple for even a desk jockey like myself, I feel quite the fitness warrior when I complete them.
Case in point: The Deck of Cards Workout. Take a standard deck of 52 cards, assign an exercise to each suit, then flip through the deck. For each card, do the matching exercise the number of times the card indicates. For a three of hearts, for example, do your heart exercise (jumping jacks) three times. Keep going until the cards are done.
I did this workout last Wednesday. I have many, many decks of cards from which to choose, because back when I traveled for work I used to buy a deck of cards in every city I visited, and friends and family supplemented the collections with interesting finds. The deck I chose was the above London Underground set, which features historic posters from the Underground. It provided pleasant distraction from the rigors of the workout.
The official start of the challenge is today. It’s on Fleetly, and if you sign up please connect with me there so we can cheer each other on. Sign up here; connect with me here.