New Moo business cards plus case


Lately it’s seemed that I’ve never had business cards on hand when I wanted to hand some out. This is largely because I’m between houses right now* and most of my worldly possessions are packed and piled up, and so a number of things that I would ordinarily be able to find I’m now having to do without. The last box of business cards I had printed earlier this year is somewhere in the pile.

* This is not to say I’m homeless. Rather, I sold my house and have not yet bought a new one, and I’m temporarily living with my lovely and gracious mother. My cats and I are ensconced in the attic bedroom, which was my sister’s and my room when we were teenagers. It’s become our home away from home.

The other reason I never seem to have cards on hand is that when I do have some in my bag, they have just floated around in there, and they’ve become bent and scuffed, so that I feel awkward handing them to the nice people I meet. So, when I do have them they look bad and I don’t like to hand them out, and when I don’t have them I wish I did have them. 

So this time, when I ordered more cards, I also ordered a case for them. The cards are from, and Moo offers several stylish cases. I chose the one that can hold the most cards.

Today the cards and case arrived, and oh! the case is so lovely! The picture above doesn’t do it justice. It’s covered in leather, bright and cheery orange leather, and the leaves of the top open to reveal the cards snuggled in a slightly cushy space below. There’s no snap or clasp; the leaves stay closed via magic apparently. 

The case is designed and made by Giorgio Fedon 1919, which is an Italian maker of lovely accessories. I’m trying very hard not to look at that website, because I don’t need to be buying more things right now, thank you very much. But I did notice the Naked iPhone cover, which is simply perfect. And the orange one looks like it would go well with my new business card case…….

One reply on “Networking in style”

  1. I love that your design is split over multiple cards! Very cool.

    I’m quite fond of Moo and their products. I started out using them for postcards, and then moved on to business cards, and have most recently purchased mini cards to use with my Etsy shop’s packaging.

    If you give a moose a muffin…

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