I don’t read a lot of the top-shelf bloggers, but today Norm Huelsman highlighted a post on Seth Godin’s blog that advises how to “Write like a blogger.” It’s a great list, not only because it’s short and to the point, but because it rings more true for me than many other “how to blog” …
Tag Archives: blogging
What’s with all these little posts appearing suddenly but dated a few days ago? As I mentioned a few days ago, I was experimenting with a miniblog. I liked the Tumblr interface but not the lack of comments nor the split between little posts and big ones. So I’ve pulled everything back under one roof. …
Less is more
the new mini donk in the family, originally uploaded by slopjop. I’m experimenting with mini-blogging. Sometimes I come across items that I want to highlight or preserve or comment on but that I don’t want to write a whole post about. Maybe I have little more to say than to point the item out; maybe …
Pittsburgh BlogFest 13
Get ready for the next round of that fine festivity we call the Pittsburgh BlogFest. BlogFest is an informal and friendly quarterly gathering of local bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, and anyone who enjoys life on the Internet. It’s more happy hour than meeting: No talks will be given, no credentials required. There may be nametags, but …
The amazing sliding launch date
slip/sliding wheeee! Originally uploaded by smile4camera January has started with a flurry of work activity for me, so the much-anticipated launch of the new My Brilliant Mistakes will have to wait until next week. If you’ve been over to the construction site, you’ll have seen that the new site looks a whole lot like this …
Month Impossible: Day Twelve
I like to joke that "work gets in the way of the rest of my life." Today I can joke that "the rest of my life gets in the way of the rest of my life." The second Monday of each month is Mixology Monday, an Internet meme (theme/concept) I’ve participated in for a few …
Saturday: BootCamp PGH
Why I’ve not been blogging these last few weeks: I’ve been helping organize a terrific event that will happen Saturday. To wit: BootCamp PGH is a free one-day, immersive "entry level" workshop designed to educate students, small businesses and corporate communications professionals on the power and possibilities of new media. (That is, blogging, podcasting, social …
Drawing after midnight
Potato masher Originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey. Boy, it’s hard fitting everything into a day. Websites to design, computers to fix, emails to answer, bills to pay, cocktails to drink … it just keeps coming. And in the end, it’s you, Faithful Blog Reader, who gets the short straw. Did I tell you how November ended, …