Visiting the Land of Make-Believe, originally uploaded by cynthiacloskey. UPDATE 3/20/2008: Today is "Won’t You Wear a Sweater?" Day. Let’s make the most of this beautiful day! Andrew Stockey wrote a nice "happy birthday" message to Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, which today is 40 years old. I mentioned this to my brother, who asked …
Tag Archives: family
Pretty hats
It’s only Wednesday, but this week is wearing me out. No fancy post tonight. Instead, please enjoy this blurry but recent photo of my niece and me, modeling our shiny, pretty hats. (Yes, the hats are also bowls. So versatile!)
Mallard at dawn, originally uploaded by Memotions. I’ve mentioned a few times recently a family friend who was hospitalized, and then in the ICU. She’d had a brain hemorrhage and other complications, and she’d been on life support for several days. All her children had flown in to say goodbye. Her family had made the …
CPMC Surgery, originally uploaded by crucially. My mom is in the hospital this morning, undergoing surgery to repair her foot. She broke her foot sometime last year; she slipped while walking down stairs, and though she barely fell at all she tore a tendon in her heel. The tendon is irreparable, but the surgery will …
Keeping track of Laura
Some weeks back I mentioned that my sister Laura is traveling through Latin America over the Christmas holiday, and that I would be renovating her blog so she can keep us informed on her whereabouts and adventures. At last, the new site is up (mostly — still have to migrate photos to the new gallery), …